Rejected By European Countries, Iraqi Christians Seek Refuge in Chicago

Chicago is now home for a growing group of Christian Iraqis fleeing violence and persecution by the Muslims in their country. Some are hoping to return someday, while others are here to stay.

In European countries, Muslim immigrants are welcomed to stay and take up citizenship, but Christian refugees are rejected and deported back to Iraq. For example, see Violent clashes outside U.S. Embassy after hundreds of UK Muslims stage mock funeral for Osama Bin Laden.

Under agreements signed with Iraq’s government, Sweden, Britain, Norway and Denmark have sent back hundreds of Iraqi Christians who fled during the most violent years of the war. Alarmed at the deportations, U.N. refugee officials warned that many of the returned Iraqis could face grave dangers back home. Most of the Christians who are deported are fleeing again to neighboring countries like Syria and Jordan after they land in Baghdad.




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